Science paper piracy site Sci-Hub shares lots of retracted papers
85 percent of invalid papers continue to be shared after they've been retracted.
85 percent of invalid papers continue to be shared after they've been retracted.
"People stand out for individual cognitive abilities while ants excel in cooperation."
70 percent of studies included in the meta-analysis had a high risk of bias.
There's not enough melted material near the surface to trigger a massive eruption.
It's not the gyrating motion of the hips that keeps the hoop aloft; it's a body type with a sloping surface as "hips."
Single burst shows neutron-star-like features, a source close to the star.
2D materials are typically made at temperatures that wreck silicon chips.
Beyond flint-knapping and tossing spears with atlatls, Kent State University's Metin Eren has a vision for his field's future.
Efficient swimming and feeding make the creatures a model for human machines.
Board members expressed concerns over high fees, editorial independence, and use of AI in editorial processes.
Specialized neurons have evolved to make the "bait" wiggle like prey.
Bronze Age combat, moral philosophy and Reddit's AITA, Mondrian's fractal tree, and seven other fascinating papers.
People with brain injuries differ in their ability to figure out when waiting pays.
The ways a sweater is folded, stretched or rumpled determines how it settles into one of several resting meta-states.
The gap between US lifespan and healthspan was 12.4 years, the world's largest.