A video about a touching moment of compassion experienced by a mom overwhelmed by the pressures of managing a "screaming" baby on a bus journey has gone viral on TikTok.
The clip was shared by Nika Diwa (@nikadiwa), a 34-year-old mom based in Texas who describes herself as a "digital storyteller." It was taken while Diwa and her one-year-old daughter were traveling from the United States to the Philippines, her home country.
In the clip, the mom is seen sitting on a bus, visibly distressed, as a note overlaid on the video reads: "I was having an anxiety attack because my baby wouldn't stop screaming and this lady asked if she could hold her to give me a break."
The baby was "really overtired," the poster told
Newsweek, as "it had been a long day of traveling."
Diwa's experience of anxiety during the trip, compounded by her tired child, exemplifies how overwhelming motherhood can be. The moment of distress she experienced resonated with many new mothers.
Postpartum distress is common and can significantly impact a mother's well-being, as highlighted by a February 2020 study in
Health Psychology Open.
According to the study, "between seven and 80 percent of women experience some form of postpartum distress from the more common 'blues' to depression." The study defines postpartum distress as any "psychological problem which impairs daily functioning, encompassing a range of experiences such as anxiety and stress."
In such moments, social support can make all the difference. The study emphasizes that "social support is imperative for postpartum well-being," noting that this type of distress is not limited by income, race, or education—and that any mother can experience it.
'An Angel'
As Diwa sat on the bus, struggling to hold back tears, a stranger offered to hold her baby so the mom could catch her breath.
"I was visibly stressed and holding back tears, and she mentioned she was a grandma and offered to hold my baby so I could grab some milk/snacks from my diaper bag," Diwa told
The video later shows the woman, seated across from Diwa, gently hoisting the baby up in her arms. Diwa said the woman sang the beloved children's song "Wheels on the Bus" to her daughter.
The baby, who had been crying moments earlier, gradually calmed down in the stranger's care. "My baby actually calmed down because the woman started singing her favorite song. I was so thankful because while she was holding my baby, I was able to take a breath, compose myself, and be hands-free to get my baby what she needed from my diaper bag," Diwa said.
The kind gesture was more than just a brief respite for Diwa—it was a reminder that she wasn't alone. "It was so helpful to know I wasn't alone," she added.
The heartwarming video resonated with many TikTok users, who praised the stranger for her selflessness and the sense of community her gesture created.
User jamiemac shared a similar experience, saying: "I had this happen on a plane. So many people asking why I 'couldn't get my baby to stop crying.' Nobody helped. That woman is an angel, and I feel you mama!"
Hayley Lawson also praised the act and offered her sympathy to the poster, writing: "What a sweet woman. She probably knows how you feel. It's a lot of work taking care of little ones."
Diverge Community Services summed up the feelings of many viewers, saying: "What a kind human to help another when overstimulated. It takes a village."
User SadBeige added: "And THAT is community care."
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