A couple's commitment to matching a dress code led to them getting all the attention after one of them misread an itinerary.
Demi Morton, 30, and her fiance, Dylan Eiser, 29, booked a trip on Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas and were enjoying the cruise itinerary's fun dress themes. But when Morton misread the itinerary, the pair spent a formal dinner in their best '90s-inspired T-shirts.
"My fiance told me that he thought that it was a '90s party and not '90s night, but I had sworn that he was wrong," Morton told Newsweek of the mix-up.
Her confusion wasn't completely unfounded, as there had been other themed nights on board that included the dinner portion - although she hadn't realized the word 'party' implied it wasn't for the entire evening. She said, "There were other nights (country night, and Caribbean night) where the dress for dinner was a funky theme, so when the itinerary said '90s party, I thought that the theme was for the whole night, but it was just for the party they were having later."
A screenshot of a TikTok video showing Dylan Eiser, left, and Demi Morton, right, on a cruise dressed in '90s-inspired outfits. The couple misunderstood the dress code after misreading the cruise's itinerary.A screenshot of a TikTok video showing Dylan Eiser, left, and Demi Morton, right, on a cruise dressed in '90s-inspired outfits. The couple misunderstood the dress code after misreading the cruise's itinerary.@yagirldemz/TikTokOn TikTok, Morton, under the handle @yagirldemz, posted a video showing guests dressed in formal attire dining in the cruise ship's restaurant. The camera then pans to the couple, from Richmond, Virginia, wearing outfits that wouldn't look out of place on a children's game show.
The "'90s game show" look was exactly what the pair was aiming for, with Morton writing in the video's on-screen text: "When you read the cruise itinerary wrong and think it's 90s NIGHT ... but it is actually formal night with a late-night 90s party, and now you're in a black-tie restaurant dressed like a duo from Nickelodeon's 'Double Dare' game show."
The video, which Morton posted on May 21, has received more than 669,000 views.
Speaking to Newsweek, Morton said she and Eiser kept their cool in what would have been a stressful situation for many. She said: "We have pretty good senses of humor, so we just kind of laughed it off. We were in a pretty button-up restaurant on the ship, so we definitely stuck out like sore thumbs."
One lesson Morton took from the experience is to confirm everything before committing to costumes.
"The next night was country night, and we double-checked the itinerary to make sure that it was a dress theme for dinner AND the late-night party. Luckily, they were," she said.
What Do the Comments Say?
It seems Morton and Eiser aren't alone in their fashion mishap, as other TikTok users shared their own tales of dress code mistakes.
"Been there!!" one wrote. "Went to 80's night on our cruise thinking we had our outfits down ... only to walk in and realize we were the only ones dressed up."
Another added, "We were on a Halloween cruise and guest services told us the wrong night to wear our costumes lol."
Correction, 6/20/24 2:07 p.m. ET: This story was updated to correct the headline and confirm it was Morton who misread the information on the itinerary.