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Why You Should Think Twice Before Hitting on a Flight Attendant

A cabin crew member offered some "better advice" for those who are keen to approach a flight attendant in a TikTok post.

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Ever come across an attractive flight attendant on a plane and thought about approaching them? Well, think again. One flight attendant on TikTok has shared some pearls of wisdom on what to do in this scenario, which is simply "don't." Read more: Compare the Best Rewards Credit Cards for Travel Air hostess Tyra (@wheelsupwithtyra) shared her thoughts in a video titled "Don't do this if you want to date a flight attendant" that was shared on May 12. . A caption shared with the post says: "If you see a cute flight attendant and want to start a conversation, please don't :) Here is some better advice." She goes on to say that your "best bet" is sharing your number with the flight attendant when you're getting off the plane. It's no surprise that some might want to approach a flight attendant or another stranger they meet on a plane who sparks their interest, as there's been a wave of Gen Zers ditching dating apps in search of someone in person. Read more: Which Airlines Have the Best (or Worst) Fees? More than half (65 percent) of dating apps were found to get deleted within just a month of instalment, according to a recent AppsFlyer survey. And of those who uninstall the apps, the vast majority (90 percent) do it within a week. "Deleting dating apps is a rebellion against the digital dating scene that feels superficial and exhausting to so many people," Morgan Anderson, a licensed clinical psychologist and relationship coach, told Newsweek in February. "The trend of returning to 'dating in the wild' is a breath of fresh air to so many daters who feel burnt out from endless swiping, and failed connections." Tyra, who has been a flight attendant for six years, according to a video she shared back in March, says in the post: "Here's a little 101 tip on how not to hit on a flight attendant." Read more: 7 Ways to Avoid Airline Baggage Fees She explains: "Do not hit on a flight attendant in not do that because you are making it awkward. And you know what? The flight attendant just has to be nice to you. So, it's just a really uncomfortable situation and we do not like that. "But if you wanna shoot your shot, then your best bet is just handing your number over to the flight attendant when you are getting off that plane. Then, you're not making it awkward and you're leaving it up to the flight attendant whether or not she wants to text you," she concluded.
Flight attendant Tyra @wheelsupwithtyra in a car.
Screengrabs from a video shared by air hostess Tyra, @wheelsupwithtyra on TikTok. She explains "how not to hit on a flight attendant." @wheelsupwithtyra on TikTok
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