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Travel Influencer Reveals Best Moment to Ask for Free Upgrade

Social media users praised the flight travel tip in a TikTok clip, with one saying it "works most of the time for me."

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Getting bumped off a flight after you've already arrived at the departure gate is frustrating, to say the least. But there may be a silver lining, such as bagging an upgrade. According to TikTok user @travelingoutofsty, an "overbooked flight can get you a first-class seat." The poster wrote this in the caption to a viral video, shared March 3, that has received 1.8 million views. Read more: Compare the Best Credit Cards for Travel The footage shows a man talking into a camera in what appears to be an airport setting. "If your flight is ever overbooked and they're offering money for you to take a later flight and you want to take it, you can also ask for a first-class upgrade and a lot of times they'll give it to you," he says. The practice of "bumping" passengers, also known as "denied boarding," happens when there are more passengers booked to fly than available seats, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) explains. The practice is "not illegal," the DOT says. "Airlines oversell their scheduled flights to a certain extent in order to compensate for 'no-shows.'" The DOT continues: "Most of the time, airlines correctly predict the 'no-shows' and everything goes smoothly. But sometimes, passengers are bumped as a result of oversales practices."

What's the Compensation for Being Bumped Off Flight?

The DOT says airlines must first ask customers to give up their seats voluntarily, in exchange for compensation, before bumping anyone off a flight involuntarily. Airlines may offer compensation in the form of money or vouchers. "There is no limit to the amount of money or vouchers that the airline may offer, and passengers are free to negotiate with the airline," the DOT says. Most bumped passengers experiencing short flight delays will receive a payment equal to double the one-way price of the flight from which they were bumped, the DOT says. However, airlines may limit this amount to up to $775. Read more: How to Choose a Travel Credit Card Those experiencing longer delays will get payments of four times the one-way price of the flight they were bumped from, and airlines may limit this amount to up to $1,550, says the DOT.
Passenger at departure gate with flight attendants.
A stock image shows a man being greeted by flight attendants at an airport's departure gate. A travel influencer has revealed how an "overbooked flight can get you a first-class seat" in a viral video... iStock / Getty Images Plus
If the carrier can't get enough volunteers bumped off the flight, the airline will "select passengers to give up their seats," otherwise known as "involuntary denied boarding." The DOT writes: "While it is legal for airlines to involuntarily bump passengers from an oversold flight when there are not enough volunteers, it is the airline's responsibility to determine its own fair boarding priorities." An airline is required to compensate you after you're involuntarily bumped from an oversold flight in "certain situations," the DOT says. They include the following:
  • You have a confirmed reservation
  • You checked in to your flight on time,
  • You arrived at the departure gate on time
  • The airline cannot get you to your destination within one hour of your flight's original arrival time
Read more: How to Travel on a Budget However, there are circumstances where you are not entitled to compensation even if you were involuntarily bumped from the flight. These can include having to accommodate the plane's weight restrictions or switching the flight to a smaller aircraft for safety or operational reasons, says the DOT.

'Works Most of the Time for Me'

Several TikTokers appreciated the flight tip shared in the video, with some recounting their own stories of bagging flight upgrades and other benefits. A user named She said, "Great idea," while David L wrote, "Works most of the time for me!" K_Slayy said, "Good to know," and Marquirsha wrote, "I will keep this in mind!!" "I love being the person to volunteer. I've gotten some great deals doing this and I'm never in a rush to get anywhere so it helps," said @kaylaontheroad. "Wait till the last minute to get upgraded! Had a friend get over $2k once," said @natur.arly. User vampyreemy wrote: "We got a hotel, first class upgrade, transportation from airport back home AND a car seat for my child to sit in. Also food vouchers for dinner." Newsweek has contacted the original poster for comment via TikTok. This video has not been independently verified. Do you have a travel-related video or story to share? Let us know via and your story could be featured in Newsweek.