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Cat Owner Needs To Leave for Vacation—But There's Something More Important

"He's got his priorities straight," commented one social media user.

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When you've got two hours before you need to head to the airport, most people will want to be sure that they're packed, at the very least. But one man in Canada had other priorities—creating a PDF document for his cat sitters. Shanna Rance, 28, told Newsweek that her partner Chris spent "about an hour making the spreadsheet and taking videos" when the couple, who have two cats, were due to catch a 6 a.m. flight from Toronto Pearson Airport to Cancun in Mexico. The moment was captured in a viral TikTok video shared by Rance (@shanrance), which was taken around midnight on February 24. The video has had over 858,000 views since it was shared that day. A message overlaid on the clip says: "We leave for the airport in 2 hours. Is he packed? Nope. Showered? Nope. Is he making a PDF document of cat info for the 'cat sitters'? Yes." The footage shows Chris at sitting at table, typing away at a laptop. The camera zooms in on the laptop screen, which shows a document featuring various sections, pictures and notes for the cat sitters, about everything from their arrival to wet and dry food, treats and water. A caption shared with the post reads: "Please note the 'cat sitters' are his brother and best friend who kindly watch them every time."
Man preparing document for cat sitters.
Screengrabs from a video showing a man working on a PDF document for his cat sitters instead of getting ready for his flight. @shanrance on TikTok
As overboard as the man's briefing for his cat sitters might seem, numerous pet owners have shown a tendency to be very concerned for their animal companions, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a March 2021 survey conducted by market research firm OnePoll, in partnership with Banfield Pet Hospital based in Portland, Oregon, one in three people said they got a new pet during the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and workers began returning to the office, many faced the dilemma of having to leave their pets alone at home while they head to work. The March 2021 survey found that around a third (32 percent) of owners said they contacted their veterinarian for advice about making the transition back to work easier on their pets. The survey also found that around one in two people from Generation Z and one in three millennials said they would consider looking for another job in the post-pandemic era if their workplace was not pet-friendly.

'Huge Green Flag'

Rance told Newsweek that the couple "still had about an hour and 15-minute drive to the airport ahead of us," noting that "generally, you're supposed to arrive [at the airport] three hours prior [to departure] for international flights." She said that her partner "definitely likes to make sure the cats are taken care of before we leave the house, even if we're just heading to get groceries." So, the moment captured in the latest post "definitely wasn't their first time pushing the time limit on something bigger, like heading to a vacation," she noted. Users on TikTok were amused by the man's behavior in the latest post, while some praised him for showing such care for his cats. Ashley noted "The instructions are SO detailed" and Norylle said "Oh my god, with the photos too." Jillian wrote: "I respect this. Takes care of the cats before himself." "This is a huge green flag, other than panic packing after he's done with that," @giggitygooq said. Kate noted: "He's got his priorities straight. i'd say marry him." User kay wrote: "Not me pausing to read them all. We love a polite man with attention to detail." Do you have a travel-related video or story to share? Let us know via and your story could be featured on Newsweek.