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Internet Jealous of Plane Passenger in Front of Woman: 'So Lucky'

The video has had over one million views on TikTok, with one user saying: "I'm jealous."

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A TikTok user has shared the moment she was caught staring at a "cute boy" on a plane. However, all isn't as it seems, as the boy is a male dog. The video shared by @natalieellee has amassed 1.1 million views and over 216,000 likes since it was shared on January 5. The footage shows a video selfie of Natalie, who is leaning her head against the plane wall, while the text layered over the clip says: "The cutest boy sat in front of me on my flight." The video then cuts to an adorable clip that has sent the internet into a frenzy. It shows a dachshund called Gatsby, peering out of the window. The on-screen text points out that he "kept staring" at the TikTok user during their flight from Atlanta to New York. Almost 400 TikTok users have commented on the video and some are asking for more information about the airline as they have never known a dog allowed out of a carrier before. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that some airlines allow pets to travel in the cargo hold or in the cabin. But they must be in a carrier under the seat. Gatsby's owner has commented on the video and admitted that he "was not supposed" to be out on her lap. She wrote: "The rest of him was covered under a blanket."
A stock image of airline passengers. TikTok users have expressed how envious they are after discovering who was sitting in front of one woman. ironrodart/iStock/Getty Images Plus
The owner has also told other users that Gatsby has been flying since he was a puppy and the video was captured on his 15th flight. Natalie referred to the canine as a "pro" in the comments and states she was "impressed." Other comments include: "You're so lucky that never happens to me. He's so cute." "[I] would pay extra to sit next to him," said another. A third comment said: "What a handsome guy...I'm jealous." However, not all pets are laid-back when it comes to traveling. The CDC has provided the following tips to increase your pet's comfort when flying.
  • Get your pet used to its carrier before the flight.
  • Pick departure and arrival times to avoid extreme heat or cold. For example, planning a nighttime arrival to a hot destination may be better for your pet.
  • Consult with your veterinarian. The International Air Transport Association discourages the use of sedatives or tranquilizers because they could harm animals while in flight.
  • Walk your pet before leaving your house and again before checking in.
  • If your pet is allowed in the cabin, check in as late as possible to reduce stress.
  • If your pet will be transported as cargo, check in early so it can go to the quiet and dimly lit hold of the plane.
To watch the original video, click here. Newsweek reached out to @natalieellee for comment. We could not verify the details of the case. Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to and they could appear on our site.