"I saw these lakes that kind of looked funny," the poster told Newsweek. "I took a few pictures but forgot about them. Never thought it'd become this popular."
An eagle-eyed airplane passenger is convinced they spotted something unexpected in a lake formation they traveled over during the flight.
The Reddit user, who asked not to be named, shared a post featuring a picture of the sight that greeted them during a flight from Vancouver to Toronto. Flying over Neebing in Ontario, they realized that the neighboring Crystal and Lenore Lakes looked just like a man walking a pet llama.
The user behind the Reddit post told Newsweek they shared it because they thought it was "funny" and believed others might think the same. "It almost looks Photoshopped," the poster said. "When I looked outside, I saw these lakes that kind of looked funny. I took a few pictures but forgot about them until now. Usually, I don't post much on Reddit but figured people might enjoy it. Never thought it'd become this popular."
Aerial photo of the lake formations in Canada captured by one Reddit user. Can you see what it looks like?Aerial photo of the lake formations in Canada captured by one Reddit user. Can you see what it looks like?u/StepWeiwu.This isn't the first time someone has seen someone or something within an inanimate object. In fact, there's a scientific term for our tendency to perceive meaningful images in random things: pareidolia. Seeing faces in these objects is arguably the most common form of this. A 2014 study published in the scientific journal Cortex said that the human brain is primed to recognize faces in the world around us, even when they are not there.
Even the slightest hint of facial features is enough for the brain to interpret an otherwise ordinary object as having a face. While this particular image of lakes as a man and a llama may differ slightly, some creativity is obviously required on the part of those viewing the image.
Many might have suggested, for example, that it is an image of a man and a dog. It's feasible that it's only because the original poster said it was a llama that they may look at the photograph that way.
The fact the poster assumed it to be a man also links back to a 2022 study published in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. It highlighted how, when it comes to facial pareidolia, people tend to recognize them as male, rather than female.
Researchers said that the study's findings, which involved 3,800 test subjects, highlighted a cognitive bias in much of what we see in the world.
The picture has become popular on Twitter and Reddit, where it has racked up thousands of views and been reposted across multiple subreddits. Interestingly, while the original poster saw a man and a llama, another user saw something altogether different. "Kinda looks like an Irishman and a sheep to me," they wrote.
What do you think it looks like? Answer in the comments section below.
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