LLMs have a strong bias against use of African American English
Feedback gets rid of overt biases but leaves subtle racism intact.
Feedback gets rid of overt biases but leaves subtle racism intact.
Attempts to cut greenhouse gases made tougher by increased emissions.
The recall announcement noted that the germs "present a health concern."
Drawings of Atomics for the Millions "reveal early postwar anxieties about nuclear war."
Psychedelic drug company Lykos already slashed staff and overhauled leadership.
A local fossil collector in Morocco found the specimen decades ago.
There's no incentive to fix the system, which was never designed to catch fraud anyway.
Prototype would replace multi-layered adult diapers currently worn on space walks.
Brothers Jacob and Tibu braved hungry hippos and crocodiles to make the crossing.
Found after its kind were thought extinct, and where it was thought to be too cold.
Features as small as 50 nanometers preserved in a 50,000-year-old sample.
The technologies are useful tools but have yet to move us away from fossil fuels.
Fast-moving stars imply that there's an intermediate-mass black hole there.
Physicists drew on statistical techniques used to analyze gravitational waves.
Scientists struggle to define consciousness, AI or otherwise.