Galactic cosmic ray model works without physics, and that is bad
Cosmic ray statistical model removes dark matter, even when present.
Cosmic ray statistical model removes dark matter, even when present.
Oh, yes, there is (slightly NSFW) video footage.
More carbon emissions come from lost electricity than the chemical industry.
Ars chats with physicist Greg Gbur about his book, Falling Felines and Fundamental Physics
From the archives: A handy reference to each station in the Apollo Mission Control room.
Another quantum computing architecture closes in on quantum supremacy.
Contract says a docking demonstration is needed. Will NASA waive this requirement?
The first kind of exoplanet found, Hot Jupiters still perplex and captivate 25 years later.
It all comes down to gravity, surface tension—and tilt.
The tombs offer insights into Mycenaean culture and trade connections.
Researchers show that prolonged exposure to acidified water corrodes the scales that make up a shark's skin.
Sacklers claim the move was "contrary to basic notions of fairness."
Rule artificially raises bids from plants that get certain state subsidies.