Owner Takes Dog Camping Thinking He'd Love It, Plan Backfires
Social media users were floored by the dog's reaction, with one saying he's "too bourgeoisie" for this.
Social media users were floored by the dog's reaction, with one saying he's "too bourgeoisie" for this.
Social media users could relate to the scene in the viral clip, with one saying "this is too funny."
The woman told Newsweek: "I was in shock, and we all moved out of the water to the shore. My legs were literally wobbling."
The man, who has been doing metal detecting work for years, found the gold chain within 10 minutes of starting his search.
Social-media users were in support of the passenger, with one saying they would "absolutely not" tolerate this behavior.
Social media users could relate to the "heartbreaking" moment in the viral clip, with one saying: "This is one of the saddest videos I've ever seen."
While readers rushed to their support, the vacationer said that some of their friends were upset with the decision.
Social-media users were divided over the packing hack in the clip, with one saying "this is genius," but some were perplexed.
Social media users were amused by the scene in the viral clip, with one saying "this is a laugh or cry situation."
Forty-four percent of Americans are opting out of summer vacations this year due to high airfares, exclusive polling for Newsweek shows.
Social media users were blown away by the unique layout, with one saying it's "the coolest thing I've ever seen in an airplane."
Social media users could relate to the ritual carried out in the viral clip, with one asking "is that wrong?"
"Standing up for oneself is not equivalent to being confrontational or aggressive," counselor Niloufar Esmaeilpour told Newsweek.
Janelle Rupkalvis told Newsweek: "I could've been asleep, in the shower, etc. and this stranger had complete access to entering my room."
Social media users adored the man's reaction in the viral clip, with one saying it was "the greenest flag."